Q. How can I check if the product is available?
You can check product availability through our app or website.
- For the search bar, just type the product name or product code.
- If the search comes back empty, it means that the item is out of stock online or already discontinued.
- If the item is out of stock, the color or size will be grayed out and you will not be able to add the item to your cart. We will also indicate Low Stock and Out-of-Stock for your convenience.
- You can use this feature check if the item online is available at a store near you or other UNIQLO stores.
- Select your desired color and size, and search the store name.
How to check availability of products Online
-You can search items online by using the search bar or by checking the items for each category.- For the search bar, just type the product name or product code.
- If the search comes back empty, it means that the item is out of stock online or already discontinued.
- If the item is out of stock, the color or size will be grayed out and you will not be able to add the item to your cart. We will also indicate Low Stock and Out-of-Stock for your convenience.
How to check availability of products in Physical Stores
Find Stock In Store- You can use this feature check if the item online is available at a store near you or other UNIQLO stores.
- Select your desired color and size, and search the store name.